The blog provide information about ayurveda and its origin.

Ayurveda is an ancient medical system. The term Ayurveda is derived from the
Sanskrit words ayur, meaning life or longevity, and veda, meaning knowledge or
science. It is considered one of the oldest of the traditional systems of medicine
accepted worldwide. Ayurveda is a theory evolved from a profound understanding
of creation. The concept of Ayurveda is based on two major principles that the
body and mind are interconnected and the mind is powerful enough to heal the
body. The main aim of Ayurveda is keeping the body and mind balanced for the
individual to remain healthy
The history of Ayurvedic medicine starts when the Vedas were created (rig, yajur,
sama and atharva). Ayurveda is a part of one of the four Vedas called Atharva
Veda and is considered the essence of the fourth Veda. Ayurveda dates back to
approximately 5000 years and is the oldest system of healing which is why it is
called the mother of all healing sciences. Ayurvedic teachings were customarily
passed on orally from teacher to student for over 1000 years. The wisdom of
Ayurveda is recorded in Sanskrit, the ancient language of India that reflects the
philosophy behind Ayurveda and the depth within it.
Charaka samhita an Ayurvedic lexocon that that dated back to the time frame of
the fourth veda (atharva) was written in the indus valley approximately around
1000 B.C by Acharya charak in Sanskrit. Charaka samhita is basically a work on
general medicine (kayachikitsa). Sushrutha samihita a unique manuscript written
by sushruta a student of dhanvantri is a treatise on surgery (shalya tantra). The
technique and methods of surgeries in Sushrutha samihita were so
Ayurveda influence in the non-European spheres started after the dawn of
Buddhism. The Buddhist monks introduced Ayurveda to Tibet, china, Mongolia,
Korea and Sri Lanka leaving everlasting impact in their healthcare systems. It was
the scholars of the medieval period who assembled the works of Ayurveda.
The German translation of an Ayurvedic text Susruta Samhita that dates back to
less than 1000 B.C.E. has contributed to modern medicine the discipline of plastic